Back Street Girls (Official)Chapter 144
Comedy Drama Ecchi

Would you give up being human-or would you become...an idol? A trio of yakuza achieve the impossible and debut as idols—and become a big hit to boot! Under the guidance of their fiendish and overcontrolling boss, three former yakuza men undergo a complete makeover and debut as the back street girl idols “Gokudols.” In their dressing room, they drink alcohol and gamble, but in front of their fans, they're idols through and through. The idol gag manga "without honor" that everyone's talking about has finally been released. Is this what Japan's idol industry has come to?!

Kenshirou ni yoroshikuChapter 12
Action Comedy Drama Ecchi

The "love, revenge, and feel-good" story centers on a young man who swears revenge against the yakuza. He studies the art of the "assassination fist" with all his might, and becomes an adult. But this man who is a genius at his martial art form realizes his techniques cannot actually be used to kill anyone.

Send My Regards to KenshiroChapter 38
Comedy Drama Ecchi

The "love, revenge, and slight euphoria" story centers on a young man who swears revenge against the yakuza. He studies the art of the "assassination fist" with all his might, and becomes an adult. But this man who is a genius at his martial art form realizes his techniques cannot actually be used to kill anyone.