Bloody Monday (Official)Chapter 96
Action Drama Shounen

Takagi Fujimaru may seem like a regular high school student, but behind the cheery facade lies a genius hacker by the name of Falcon. When his father is framed for a murder, Falcon uses his brilliant hacking skills to try and protect his sister and clear his father’s name. However, he finds that his father, an agent in an elite government agency, was involved with something far more complex than a simple murder. A terrorist group is plotting against the city of Tokyo and it is up to Falcon, with the help of his friends, to unravel the twisted plans set in place to kill millions of people.

This ManChapter 43
Action Horror Mature

Based on a real japanese urban legend. New Weekly Shounen Magazine series from the Bloody Monday/ Acma:Game artist.

Golden Man (Petos)Chapter 6
Action Romance

The city of freedom, Neo York, is targeted by villains day and night, but it's also home to the strongest hero, Golden Man!!! But one night, during a rescue operation at a fire at an abandoned factory, Golden Man suddenly disappears. Left in his place, a single amnesiac young man with the Golden Man suit in his hands… Who on Earth is he? A new original hero story by the strongest tag team of Petos of *Demi-chans Want To Tell* and Kouji Megumi of *ACMA:GAME* and *BLOODY MONDAY*!

Negaigoto 300000 Km/sChapter 0
Romance Shounen

Meguru is leaving her home town for Tokyo. Before the parting she and her friend Taichi are sitting on the river bank and looking at the starry sky.