Imperial EdictChapter 52.5
Comedy Romance

Nel Regno di Xia, la nipote del generale, Situ Xiu, vive un'esistenza inquietante. Non è solo debole e codarda, ma è anche balbuziente! Un giorno, suo fratello gemello decide di fuggire per un capriccio, dopo essere stato nominato giovane generale... Nel frattempo, l'imperatore, non conoscendo la situazione, emette un editto imperiale, mandando suo fratello minore ai confini per difendere il paese dagli invasori! Date le circostanze, Situ Xiu non ha altra scelta che fingere di essere suo fratello minore e combattere il "Dio della Guerra" del Regno di Cha...

The Most Talented Woman In the WorldChapter 50.2
Comedy Romance

God knows who once said that "To be a scholar is to be at the top of society", making the entire Feng Dynasty give up on martial arts to focus on education and they even opened the imperial exams to women ! As the last illiterate of her time, the martial artist's daughter, Cheng Manyi, decided to pretend to be an educated lady to fulfill her father's wish, for her to marry a scholar—— As a result, many famous scholarly families came to ask for her hand in marriage and now, her husband expects her to succeed the exams and bring honor to his household !

Complying With Imperial Edict ( Imperial Edict )Chapter 52.5
Comedy Romance

In Xia Kingdom, the general’s granddaughter, Situ Xiu, is an eerie existence. She isn’t only weak and cowardly but she is also a stutterer! One day, her younger twin brother decided to run away on a whim after he was appointed young general… Meanwhile, the emperor, not knowing the situation, issued an imperial edict, sending her younger brother to the borders to defend the country from invaders! Under the circumstances, Miss Situ had no other choice than to pretend to be her younger brother and go fight the Cha kingdom’s God of War…