Ejipuri!Chapter 5
Comedy Romance

Ko is a handsome high school boy who normally can't stand girls, until he falls head over heels for Cleo, a genuine modern-day mural-girl who walks like an Egyptian! A blast from the past 5000 years in the making, it's the Egypti-est romantic comedy around!

Tokumei EgaogakariChapter 0

When Kashiwagi transfers to Chiemi's school, sensei asks Chiemi to watch over him but even after a month since his transfer, Kashiwagi still doesn't get involved with anyone. Chiemi thinks it might be useless and annoying to keep trying to get close to him but continues trying to be friends with him anyways. But is it really as useless as she first thought it'd be...?

Haikei, Nanashi-samaChapter 0

From Intercross:Terao Chigusa has always loved a certain book called "Dear, Mr. Nameless." Plus, she has a very timid personality, so much so that she gets REALLY scared when confronted by Takaya Tooru. However, one day, she ends up living the same situ