Hired: Sassy AssistantChapter 12
Drama Romance

Feeling buoyant after a chance meeting with a good-looking man who helped carry her things through the busy streets of London, Lulu heads off to a medical foundation’s book publication event. At the event, she runs into none other than Kyle, the very same man who came to her rescue earlier that day. It turns out that ten years ago in Uganda, Kyle worked under Lulu’s mother, who lost her life while on a mission there. When Kyle pleads for Lulu to assist him with his next book, she’s struck with grief. She knows that if she falls for him, he’ll eventually leave and break her heart…

Always The BridesmaidChapter 12
Drama Romance

"I've already died once. I'll never love again..." Amy Edler runs a bakery on the outskirts of London in an attempt to run away from a past that still haunts her. But when her best friend's wedding planner takes off a week before the event, it's up to Amy to finish the job! Her only help is the bride's handsome brother, Jared Shaw. While the two find that they have some chemistry, both are hiding secrets deep inside themselves. Can they help each other find love again?