Mission: Make-Over (Harlequin)Chapter 0

Unlike most girls, Lucianna Stewart could never get used to being feminine. She'd always been a tomboy, and it didn't help that she loved to fix up old cars for a living. Luce is tired of everyone making fun of her lack of femininity, so she decides to put her all into becoming the kind of woman that could attract the attention of a man... namely her boyfriend. What she doesn't count on is family friend, Jake Carlisle, offering to lend a hand. Luce has held a grudge against the man since they were teens, but reluctantly accepts his help. Jake, on the other hand, secretly thinks Luce is perfect the way she is... but wants to see her happy. He helps her out with everything from body language to fancy clothes, and soon Luce starts to catch on. But soon he's worried he'll lose her to a man who'll only notice her looks... without appreciating who she truly is. And after spending all this time with Jake, Luce quickly finds herself more interested in impressing Jake than her boyfriend. Will Jake let Luce go in the belief that she'll never love him? Or will Luce sort out her mixed feelings for him? [Originally uploaded on]

Hajar's Hidden LegacyChapter 0

“Please marry me…” Princess Katharine of Austrich pleads with the king of an allied country, a man known as the Beast of Hajar. She is in awe of his his sharp eyes and wounded body, but still, she must make this marriage happen! She gains his approval by explaining that it would be a formality, an arranged marriage, but surprisingly he says they must make it seem real. Katharine planned on signing a contract and returning home, but now she’s staying in Zahir’s palace!

The Girl He Never NoticedChapter 1

Liz works for Cam, an entrepreneur who owns businesses all over Australia. Usually Liz is cool and composed on the job, but this time she's in trouble. The woman who was supposed to escort Cam to a party that night cancelled at the last minute! Cam challenges Liz, saying that since she's such a talented secretary, she should be able to take over the job as his escort. Liz decides to show him who she really is under her plain old suit, but when Liz sees a certain someone at the party, she turns white as a sheet and runs from the scene.?Now she really has Cam’s attention!

The Course of True LoveChapter 1

She can’t help but be drawn to this proud and handsome man… Claribel, a physiotherapist, has a whirlwind encounter with handsome Marc. He seems kind, but he also has an arrogance that surprises her. When she goes to work at the hospital, she finds out Marc is a temporary surgeon visiting from Holland. She is increasingly drawn to him, even while he continues to stun her with his inconsiderate words and actions. One day, he asks her to play the role of his fiancée and gives her an engagement ring. This isn’t for real. She’s just helping him out…right?

The Bride Fonseca NeedsChapter 1

Max, an arrogant but sexy businessman, is always in the gossip magazines. Darcy, hired by Max as his personal secretary, is well aware of the reason he hired her. She’s a plain Jane who won’t stir up trouble for him. But then, out of nowhere, he says he wants to marry her! In order to win a once-in-a-lifetime business deal, he has to play the family man. Darcy doesn’t believe anyone will take their relationship seriously, so naturally she refuses to be his accomplice. Max, however, is sure she’ll change her mind, if only he can name her price!

The Girl Of His DreamsChapter 1

You know that saccharine-sweet sitcom from a decade ago with the little girl played by triplets? While everything was nicely tied up at the end of every episode, the series ended abruptly. The truth of the matter is that Kayla, one of the three girls, was injured in a car accident. Her sisters refused to continue without her, the show ended and her parents divorced! Still, all that hard work paid well, and the triplets are set to get access to their trust funds on their twenty-fifth birthday! Kayla's twenty-four now and helps out a veterinarian clinic to make ends meet as she waits on her trust fund to whisk her off to Paris and into the arms of the knight she's dreamed of since she was a child. Her best friend, neighbor and boss, Patrick, will continue on without her…or will he? They've been buddies for years, but Kayla may end up realizing that her handsome prince isn't waiting overseas, that he might be right down the street taking care of animals. Is this just puppy love or is he really the cat's meow?