Kiss made, Ato 1-byou. - Ebookrenta VersionChapter 38

He said he'd stop one second before we kiss... So why are we really kissing right now!? My first kiss is on stage performing a play......! We've been friends since we were kids, and Izuru's always bossing me around. I have to write the script for our school festival play, which is a relief because at least I can steer clear of Izuru, who's playing the leading role of the prince...... But on performance day, the princess gets sick, and I have to take her place! I'm dreading the final kissing scene. We're just supposed to pretend, but now... our lips are... touching...! I know it's Izuru... but he looks like a handsome prince, and... he's actually kinda hot......

Kiss made, Ato 1-byou.Chapter 51

He said he'd stop one second before we kiss... So why are we really kissing right now!? My first kiss is on stage performing a play......! We've been friends since we were kids, and Izuru's always bossing me around. I have to write the script for our school festival play, which is a relief because at least I can steer clear of Izuru, who's playing the leading role of the prince...... But on performance day, the princess gets sick, and I have to take her place! I'm dreading the final kissing scene. We're just supposed to pretend, but now... our lips are... touching...! I know it's Izuru... but he looks like a handsome prince, and... he's actually kinda hot......

Kiss Made Ato 1-byouChapter 19

Trama: Rikka Ichinohe e Izuru Nikki sono amici d’infanzia e compagni di classe, il ragazzo dal carattere forte comanda a bacchetta l’amica, che di solito si fa trascinare da lui. Rikka è incaricata di scrivere il copione dell’opera romantica che la sua classe metterà in scena durante il festival scolastico, mentre Izuru interpreterà il principe azzurro. Il giorno della del debutto l’interprete della protagonista si sente male e Rikka, l’unica che conosce la parte, viene costretta dai compagni di classe a rimpiazzarla. La scena finale prevede un bacio, come da accordi dovrà essere scenico, finto, invece Izuru finisce per baciarla sul serio, rubandole così il suo primo bacio e scatenando il lei una serie di emozioni inaspettate…. Capitoli tradotti 4/??