Patissiere of the Inner Palace [Official]Chapter 5
Drama Romance Webtoons

Kokoro started working at a pastry shop owned by a famous "patissier" Haremichi. One day, she accidentally falls off from stairs…the next moment, found herself on a street that looks strange. She has traveled time--to the EDO era! She meets a man struggling to make a new type of sweets for Shogun Tsunayoshi's wife and helps him. The sweet was highly praised, and she gets a job at inner palace as a pastry chef. She didn’t know there were other people who traveled time to this era... A time-travelling love story!

Patissiere of the Inner PalaceChapter 5
Drama Romance Webtoons

Kokoro started working at a pastry shop owned by a famous "patissier" Haremichi. One day, she accidentally falls off from stairsthe next moment, found herself on a street that looks strange. She has traveled time--to the EDO era! She meets a man struggling to make a new type of sweets for Shogun Tsunayoshi's wife and helps him. The sweet was highly praised, and she gets a job at inner palace as a pastry chef. She didn't know there were other people who traveled time to this era... A time-travelling love story!