Kei X Yaku: Bound By Law (Official)Chapter 3
Action Drama Romance Shounen ai

Ichiro, an agent with the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Security Bureau, receives orders to make contact with and closely surveil Shiro, a yakuza hotshot whose bed partners include a considerable amount of influential male politicians. The mission takes an unexpected turn when they realize they've both been pursuing the same cold case: the disappearance of Rion Nakaba, Ichiro's senior and Shiro's sister. Determined to uncover the truth, the two secretly team up under the guise of lovers to try and pick up her trail...

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Official CasebookChapter 40
Comedy Drama

This set of manga are collections of officially published fan-comics, or doujinshi, with stories produced by a range of different artists. This manga is the first Phoenix Wright manga to be made officially available in English. As with the range of artists, the stories range from comedy to serious short stories or 4-koma (stories consisting of 4 panels, usually gags). The Title was published in Japan by Capcom Comics in 4 volumes (28th Mar to 28th Sept, 2006)Later, DelRey licensed this for the US in 2 omnibus volumes 23rd September 2008 & 24th February 2009The series also had combined single volume reprint in Japan released on 25th March 2010*An Overview* (of the DelRey omnibus version) **OBJECTION!****Volume 1**: *The Phoenix Wright Files*Only one name strikes fear into the hearts of evildoers everywhere: *Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney*. Join Phoenix Wright and his adorable assistant Mayaplus Miles Edgeworth, Detective Gumshoe, Franziska von Karma, and othersas they investigate twenty intriguing cases. And find out why Phoenix Wright has devoted his life to fighting injustice! **TAKE THAT!****Volume 2**: *The Miles Edgeworth Files* Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, has faced down many clever and corrupt prosecutors in the courtroom: Winston Payne, Manfred von Karma & his whip-cracking daughter, Franziska, and Godot. But only one is his true rival: the mysterious *Miles Edgeworth*. Get ready for these new stories of crime, justice, and courtroom drama! ---Sources & References- Main Landing page for the title on Ace Attorney Neoseeker - (https://aceattorney.neoseeker.com/wiki/Phoenix-Wright:-Ace-Attorney---Official-Casebooks)- Vol 1 Index: 20 Anthology Stories and 2 4-koma shorts - (https://anilist.co/manga/40603/Gyakuten-Saiban-Official-Anthology-Comic-Naruhodouhen/) - (https://myanimelist.net/manga/10603/Gyakuten-Saiban-Official-Anthology-Comic--Naruhodou-hen) - (https://aceattorney.neoseeker.com/wiki/Phoenix-Wright:-Ace-Attorney---Official-Casebook-Vol-1---The-Phoenix-Wright-Files)- Vol 2 Index: 20 Anthology Stories and 2 4-koma shorts - (https://anilist.co/manga/40604/Gyakuten-Saiban-Official-Anthology-Comic-Mitsurugihen/) - (https://myanimelist.net/manga/10604/Gyakuten-Saiban-Official-Anthology-Comic--Mitsurugi-hen) - (https://aceattorney.neoseeker.com/wiki/Phoenix-Wright:-Ace-Attorney---Official-Casebook-Vol-2---The-Miles-Edgeworth-Files)- The Tracking Entries, except Mangaupdates, links to the entry for First Casebook

PendoraChapter 6

From Aestheticism: A collection of 6 stories that Hagiwara Kaoru has done for various anthologies, such as "Stinger." Includes some full color pin-ups.

Akiru made Hanasou yoChapter 1

[From Nakama] Trying to avoid being so popular with women, the legendary girl-magnet Takeuchi transfers to an all-boys school. Once there, he can’t help but wonder why Iida, who he’s known for a while, always eats his lunch early. At first he only thought him a little strange, but before he realized it, he found himself following him with his eyes all the time. The two become close by Iida sharing his bento. Being with the fun-loving Iida every day turns Takeuchi’s dull days into fun ones?! A series about the tantalizing love between a wholesome young man sharing his bento with a girl-magnet, a gorgeous masterpiece compilation including an extra, and one of the first pieces written in the name “Uchida Kaoru”!!

Kyouka Ningen Monogatari - MAD WANG 1160Chapter 5

MAD WANG 1160 takes place in the year Universal Century 1160, some 1072 years after the events of the Kyouka Ningen Monogatari - Another Z Gundam Story. The three main characters, Shiva Yips, Decoder S. Wallenstein and Mell Mekanika awake from cold sleep (cryonics) in each of their colonies and are swallowed up in the Earth vs. the Outer Space Alliance's battle. The story is set in the distant future of the Universal Century timeline, departing from the normal setting of Gundam. It should be noted that the term "Gundam" is not utilized in this work, and it is one of the first UC works to implement nanotechnology in the story, which was also used â?? Gundam.

Front MissionChapter 10

A compilation of short stories originally published in the Famitsu magazine; reprinted by ASCII COMIX. The portrayed events are loosely based around the first Front Mission game.

Maria x MariaChapter 0

The Whispering of the White Angel Maria and the Temptation of the Black Demon Maria?! The Exciting Daily Adventures between the 2 Marias with Completely Opposite Personalities! A Story about a Love Triangle That Takes Place in a Women's Dormitory! Masaki meets 2 girls. The sweet and innocent Mizuki Maria and the beautiful but mysterious Toumiya Maria. Although he thought feelings of love would probably start to grow as his dormitory life continues, somehow, he finds it embarrassing to live in the women's dormitory.

Central Asian CookingChapter 7

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sponsored a 7-part short introducing several famous Central Asian dishes and how to prepare them.

Inverse HeroChapter 0
Action Comedy Drama Supernatural

A simple citizen becomes a hero after freeing the city from a villain who terrorized it ... What he did not know is that peace could be somewhat stressful!Artist's Pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/23579131

Grün BælaChapter 0

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