High Spec LoversChapter 1
Romance Shounen

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Berserk (Volume version)Chapter 0
Action Drama Ecchi Horror

Guts, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces attracted to him and his woman because of a demonic mark on their necks, and also vengeance against the man who branded him as an unholy sacrifice. Aided only by his titanic strength gained from a harsh childhood lived with mercenaries, a gigantic sword, and an iron prosthetic left hand, Guts must struggle against his bleak destiny, all the while fighting with a rage that might strip him of his humanity. Note: Following Miura Kenta's death in 2021, the series has been taken over by Kouji Mori, who supervises the series with art done by Studio Gaga.

HeelmakerChapter 0
Martial arts

Kurokawa, a professional wrestler who lives as a heel, and a "bad guy" in life, is fed up by his way of living and wanted to change. But be careful what you wish for, because they tend to come true. Everything changed after he met a fragile girl with a cold gaze... Read Heelmaker on manhuascan

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