Paradise Intruder (Lili_J)Chapter 2
Adult Drama Mature Romance

The world is divided into three areas: the Sky Island, the land, and the underworld, Proserpina. Miobe, who lives in Proserpina, only dreams of the day when she will go to the Sky Island with her first love, Haluk. However, on the night when Miobe was asleep, a revolution that occurred in the underworld changed the fate of Haluk and Miobe...!

Stranger in ParadiseChapter 1
Adult Drama Romance Smut

The world is divided into three realms: the Sky Island, the Surface, and the subterranean world known as Proserpina. Meove, who resides in Proserpina, dreams of nothing more than the day she will ascend to the Sky Island with her first love, Haluk. However, on a night when Meove is fast asleep, a revolution erupts in the underground realm, setting in motion events that will forever change the fates of both Haluk and Meove...!