Ore Miko!Chapter 7
Drama Mature Romance Smut

Could the random assaults happening around town be the work of a demon? On a dark, rainy night after finishing his part-time job as a bartender, college student Kyou Izakura is attacked by a demon who's disguised himself as a older gentleman!! Before being completely devoured, cool but pushy exorcist Shin Goudo intervenes and discovers that Kyou has the power to absorb spirits into his body. However, in order to release the spirit from his body, Kyou must consume semen and Shin offers his help. Follow Kyou and Shin as their relationship deepens while they work together to stay alive in this all new supernatural erotic drama by SAKIRA!

Pretty Men Fighting DirtyChapter 10

A non-stop collection of romance and smut! In the title story, Taizo the potter finds Shino wandering lost in the mountains and invites him back to his home. Wanting to help Taizo with his artistic block, Shino takes a hands-on approach with Taizo’s rock-hard body. In “A Loving Household,” we follow the story of an adorable house-hubby who has his hands full being salaciously loved by his new husband and stepsons. “Let’s Go to the Proctology Clinic!” chronicles a young man’s first visit to his proctologist for a rather embarrassing problem. But when it comes time for his examination, he finds out he may be in too good of hands!