The ARES Show (Novel)Chapter 8
Action Comedy Drama Romance

In the XLVII century, a method was finally invented to remain in virtual reality indefinitely, and the first thing they plan to do with it is a game system that imitates, and perhaps surpasses, classic tabletop role-playing games. And as advertising the most famous RPG group of the time —ARES —will hold a tournament where four teams will participate until one completes the Mysterious Final Mission, all die or one team exterminates the others. It should be noted that in this work I will be faithful to everything that the role-playing games represent and in effect I will roleplay every action the characters take to determine their success or not. In a few words, NEVER EVEN I KNOW HOW IS GOING TO FINISH OR WHO WILL WIN. -------------------------------------------------- Registered on Safe Creative If you liked, support me on my other social networks looking for VersionXV.

Casi soy el Elegido (Novela)Chapter 3
Action Comedy Drama Romance

El proposito que le daba sentido a su vida desapareció en el preciso segundo en que ella entró en la sala. La vida de ella sufrió un golpe de suerte que le permitirá sumplir sus sueños infantiles. Ninguno de los disfrutará el recorrido que les espera. ——————————————————————————————————— Agradecimientos a InkMxnster y a CarrotFamily por la portada. Esta obra está registrada en Safe Creative.

I´m Almost the Choosen One (Novel)Chapter 1
Action Comedy Drama Martial arts

The purpose that gave meaning to his life disappeared in the precise second when she entered the room. Her life suffered a stroke of luck that will allow her to fulfill her childhood dreams. None of them will enjoy the journey that awaits them. ——————————————————————————————————— If you liked please support me on my other social networks. Thanks to InkMxnster and CarrotFamily for the cover. This work is registered in Safe Creative.